About Us
2Do b.v. (2Do) is the leading Independent consultancy firm specialized in doing business with ASEAN.
2Do consists of a number of companies and initiatives, Vietnam Consult & Trading b.v. (VCT), Advanced Marine and Energy Technology b.v. (AMET) and Advanced Energy Technology International (AETIN).
With its head office in The Hague and offices in ASEAN countries, 2Do has, since 2000, been serving clients with:
- Business Development and Company Representation
- Subsidy Management and Financial Engineering
- Sector Development and Technology Transfer
- Business Support and Events Management
- Sourcing services
2Do has successfully assisted more than 250 European companies in ASEAN and dozens of Asian companies in exporting their products to Europe. We have contributed significantly to our clients in many commercial contracts and their implementation.
During the past ten years, 2Do has developed more than 40 investment projects for clients in such diverse fields as agriculture and food, maritime, textile and garments, oil and gas, logistics & distribution, furniture & handicrafts and mechanics & electronics.
By the end of 2012 the donors have approved grants and subsidies for 35 of these projects, with total grants approximating € 40,000,000. The total investment capital of our clients in ASEAN exceeds € 1,800,000,000.
In addition 2Do has developed successfully Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in co-operation with public and leading private stakeholders from The Netherlands and ASEAN. One of these initiatives covers the oil and gas sector, www.aetin.eu
Convinced of our network of contacts and high quality services, 2Do is often tasked by NL Agency and trade associations and Embassies to organize local programs, including market research, partner search, seminars & forums, field visits and matchmaking for large economic missions, lead by (vice) ministers.
2Do enjoys excellent relations with local authorities and businesses in ASEAN and in Europe. It possesses actual understanding of the local social-economic circumstances, cultures and ethical values, which are valuable assets in minimizing time, costs and risks for your business in ASEAN or in Europe.
In essence, 2Do knows how to find and to connect the best of two worlds.
2Do’s contacts:
2Do bv: Mr Hanh Do, 89 Laan van Meerdervoort, The Hague, The Netherlands
T: +31.70.388 59 65, E:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
, I: http://www.2dobiz.co/
VCT Co Ltd.: Ms Hải Nguyễn, Số 26, Ngõ 55, phố Đỗ Quang, Quận Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội, Viet Nam
T: +84.243.553 54 86, E:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
, I: www.vctvietnam.com